Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Why I'm a fan of the flawed Mayweather

Boxing has changed as a sport over time which is understandable because the sport has gained popularity over time. The Fight with Mayweather v. Pacquiao was very hyped up which is probably why the fight was so disappointing to so many fans however they fight was worth about 300 millions dollars which seems to be completely outrageous having 40% go to the loser of the fight. With so much money on the line and the loser honestly losing nothing except maybe some fans the fight seems blown completely out of proportion. The fight was set up by the two combatants almost a year before taking place giving both fighters ample time to prepare. When the fight was over many fans were disappointed with Mayweather because he seemed very cocky throughout the fight and the fight did not end with a knockout it ended with a judge scoring which if you are not a boxing fan but just watching the fight for fun is not very exciting at all. I do not know anyone who would not fight someone for over 100 million dollars just for showing up. I am not sure how this fight will influence boxing however it was talked about as being a milestone fight for the decade and with the poor showing that it had and the disappointment it left in fans I can not imagine that it will have a positive effect on the fan population as many have already change and began watching other forms of entertainment such as UCF.

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Tsarnaev's defiance turns to resignation

The Boston Marathon Bombing was a very dramatic and recent event for the city of Boston Massachusetts. The trial against the two brothers is still ongoing but the verdict of how the trial will end is pretty clear. The only two real options for the outcome of the trial are execution or life in prison. The brothers have been found guilty of all 30 counts that Tsarnaev was tried for tried for. This is a very big case because not only it being so recent but involving terrorism which is something that the United States does not tolerate at all. After 9/11 terrorism towards the United States has been taken very seriously and even though Tsarnaev is only 21 he will not be treated any differently or receive any special treatment. He is responsible for the death of 4 people and injuring over 260. The death penalty is often reserved for special occasions however I believe that this case 100% fits the reason that he should be killed. Many peoples lives were changed for worse from this event and nothing will be able to reverse what has happened. Terrorism is a very scary notion because you can not predict when it will happen and I believe that when something so drastic happens the person responsible needs to be punished.

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The First Amendment’s Limit: The Supreme Court’s Plaza

The first amendment is a very powerful tool but only has so much power. In 2011 Chief Justice John G. Roberts showed the father of a fallen soldier how difficult it can be to deal with the first amendment because while he was trying to bury his son who had died in battle he was met by protesters who used hurtful speech and protested the funeral. The protesters speech was protected under the first amendment which is something very had to deal with in a time of such sorrow. The Supreme Court can not do much in a situation like this because although this situation is very ugly and does not look good on the protesters they did nothing wrong under the first amendment and were allowed to say whatever they like because of their right to petition the government for grievances. This is not the first time a case like this has been examined by the Supreme Court either. Events like this happen all of the time but even though they may be immoral they are completely protected and everyone has the ability to speak freely. Without the ability for people to speak freely or being punished for saying things our country would not be able to function and life as we know it would be completely different.

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Police Struggle With Loss of Privileged Position

In recent news there have been a lot of stories about police brutality and how people struggle to have a say against what police do. Now a days it seems normal for a police brutality story to show up in the news or on social media once a month or even more frequently. With the rise in the use of social media and the ability for information to be sent out to millions of people to see it becomes more and more apparent that there are issues in society. One being police brutality or unfair profiling against minorities. This article talks about events that have put the police union in a difficult position because it is hard to enforce equal profiling for everyone because everyone has subconscious motives or beliefs that they many not be able to control when they are put in a situation of pressure when they are just trying to do their job effectively. Obviously police brutality is unfair because the police seem to have more power than other individuals and can often be scary. People often assume that police officers are never punished for doing something wrong such as police brutality but that is not the case. Police officers have specific guidelines that they are required to follow and protocols that they need to follow otherwise they can be suspended as police officers. Over time I believe that relations between civilians and authorities will become better as things quiet down and protocols improve.

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Thursday, April 30, 2015

March on Washington

Today in class we watched a video on The March on Washington. The reasoning behind the march was to gather support for equal rights for blacks. The march took place on August 28th in 1963 which was very close to when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed which banned public discrimination in public accommodation. The march was a huge success with over 200,000 black and white americans attending the march. The march was not a violent march at all which upheld Dr. Martin Luther King's logic of protesting peacefully to spread the idea of equal rights. One of the most iconic speeches by Dr. King was given at the march in front of the Lincoln Memorial which was the "I Have a Dream" speech which is still known by many americans today. One thing that was very important about the march was the fact that people were able to set aside their differences and join together which was the entire goal of desegregation.

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Sunday, April 26, 2015

Klansvile, U.S.A.

Today in class we watched Klansvile, U.S.A. it was about the history of the clan and its impact in North Carolina. North Carolina had more klan members than the rest of the states combined allowing it to have a very big impact on the states decisions in politics. Although the Klan was primarily known for causing terror and violence directed against blacks. In North Carolina the Klan's primary focus was on recruiting members to eventually be able to control the political ladder in the state allowing them to influence elections for all types of offices. The Klan used many different techniques to recruit members such as marches also known as street walks where members would walk down main streets to increase popularity and show the amount of members that they had. Another event that the Klan held was large gatherings where whole towns would come out and here the Klan leaders talk and see what the Klan was all about. These events were almost like fairs where they would have barbeque food and people would just come out and listen to propaganda from the leaders. Although the Klan in North Carolina was not very violent towards blacks, other states Klans shaded the North Carolina's Klans ways by being very aggressive towards blacks and eventually causing the government to get involved and force the Klan to disassemble.

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Board of Regents v. Bakke

Today in class we had a moot court discussion about the Board of Regents v. Bakke. The case was about affirmative action and how it needed to be inclusive to not only race but also other factors that could qualify someone to be considered for affirmative action. One of the main points made in the case was that the University of California had a specific quota of 16 out of 100 seats to be set aside for minorities or people that qualified for affirmative action. Bakke was an engineer and former Marine who wanted to join the medical school how ever he was in his 30's and was rejected because he was considered too old. The court ruled that he could not be denied admission based on his age because it was discrimination. The court also ruled that the university could not just set aside 16 slots for a quota because they should have many spots for minorities and not restrict themselves to a specific number of spots.

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