Thursday, April 30, 2015

March on Washington

Today in class we watched a video on The March on Washington. The reasoning behind the march was to gather support for equal rights for blacks. The march took place on August 28th in 1963 which was very close to when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed which banned public discrimination in public accommodation. The march was a huge success with over 200,000 black and white americans attending the march. The march was not a violent march at all which upheld Dr. Martin Luther King's logic of protesting peacefully to spread the idea of equal rights. One of the most iconic speeches by Dr. King was given at the march in front of the Lincoln Memorial which was the "I Have a Dream" speech which is still known by many americans today. One thing that was very important about the march was the fact that people were able to set aside their differences and join together which was the entire goal of desegregation.

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