Sunday, April 26, 2015

Klansvile, U.S.A.

Today in class we watched Klansvile, U.S.A. it was about the history of the clan and its impact in North Carolina. North Carolina had more klan members than the rest of the states combined allowing it to have a very big impact on the states decisions in politics. Although the Klan was primarily known for causing terror and violence directed against blacks. In North Carolina the Klan's primary focus was on recruiting members to eventually be able to control the political ladder in the state allowing them to influence elections for all types of offices. The Klan used many different techniques to recruit members such as marches also known as street walks where members would walk down main streets to increase popularity and show the amount of members that they had. Another event that the Klan held was large gatherings where whole towns would come out and here the Klan leaders talk and see what the Klan was all about. These events were almost like fairs where they would have barbeque food and people would just come out and listen to propaganda from the leaders. Although the Klan in North Carolina was not very violent towards blacks, other states Klans shaded the North Carolina's Klans ways by being very aggressive towards blacks and eventually causing the government to get involved and force the Klan to disassemble.

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