Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Police Struggle With Loss of Privileged Position

In recent news there have been a lot of stories about police brutality and how people struggle to have a say against what police do. Now a days it seems normal for a police brutality story to show up in the news or on social media once a month or even more frequently. With the rise in the use of social media and the ability for information to be sent out to millions of people to see it becomes more and more apparent that there are issues in society. One being police brutality or unfair profiling against minorities. This article talks about events that have put the police union in a difficult position because it is hard to enforce equal profiling for everyone because everyone has subconscious motives or beliefs that they many not be able to control when they are put in a situation of pressure when they are just trying to do their job effectively. Obviously police brutality is unfair because the police seem to have more power than other individuals and can often be scary. People often assume that police officers are never punished for doing something wrong such as police brutality but that is not the case. Police officers have specific guidelines that they are required to follow and protocols that they need to follow otherwise they can be suspended as police officers. Over time I believe that relations between civilians and authorities will become better as things quiet down and protocols improve.

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